Threads 絲緒
台北數位藝術中心(DAC)與法國里昂GRAME國立音樂創作中心,攜手製作跨國度、跨領域的科技藝術表演,引進GRAME研發成果斐然的動態捕捉技術(motion capture)作為表演核心技術,由跨界表演經驗豐富的台北數位藝術中心提供技術支援,集結法國作曲家Roque Rivas、活躍於歐陸的台灣編舞家孫尚綺、新生代台灣數位藝術家葉廷皓的跨國創意激盪,重新詮釋舞台上聲音、舞蹈、影像、空間的互動模式,打造舞台表演的新樣貌。此作品將於【誠品跨界】以及【第八屆台北數位藝術節】系列節目進行世界首演,預計2014年於歐陸巡迴演出。
舞者|Annapaola Leso安娜寶拉‧雷索、Ruben Reniers魯本‧黑尼雅思
聲音|Roque Rivas羅格‧里瓦
互動技術研發|Christophe Lebreton克里斯托夫‧ 勒布頓
Since the Taipei Digital Art Festival premiered in 2006, the interdisciplinary digital art performance that combines the efforts of domestic artists and performers has been one of themajor programs of the Festival every year. The works《Memory Puzzles》by Ku&Dancers and《New Vision Liyuan– Automated Marionette Project—Hsiao Ho-Wen》are exemplary domestic achievements in the integration of digital high technology, which creates brand new possibilities for artistic creation. In recent years, the DAC, Taipei further reaches aniconic status in digital art performance through transnational and inter-institutional collaboration.
This year, the DAC, Taipei presents the work《Threads》. This work adopts the motion capture technology developed by GRAME and combines the ideas of French composer Roque Rivas, Taiwanese choreographer Sun Shang-Chi (resides in Europe), and Taiwanese digital artist YehTing-Hao. This work is an interdisciplinary performance that integrates the dancers’ bodies, the musician, and the 3D motion capture technology. It creatively reinterprets the interaction among sound, dance, image, and space on the stage.Rather than created by musical instruments, the music for this work is created by the sound graphics composed of the data of the dancers’motions. The capture of sounds, images, and motion sopens up a new stage space.This work goes beyond the bound aries of music and dance. Through the mutual penetration and blurring between the music and the dancers’ bodies, this work incarnates a brand new form of performance based on the concept of “composing on stage.
Staff:Choreographer: Sun Shang-Chi
Dancers: AnnapaolaLeso and Ruben Reniers
Sound: Roque Rivas
Image: YehTing-Hao and The Millionaires Express
Graphics & DesignInteractive Technology R&D: Christophe Lebreton
Image Programming R&D: Wang Lien-Cheng and YehTing-Hao
International Coordination: Sun Ping
Executive Producers: Chen Ping-Yi, and Liao Zhi-Han
TechnologicalSupport: Lin Wei-Yuan, Shih Rui-Ning, YueYi-Qiang,Wu Jia-Jun, Lin Pei-Chen, Lin Chih-Hong
Lighting: Sobright Lighting
Directive Sponsor: Ministry of Culture
Host: Digital Art Foundation;Eslite Performance Hall;GRAME
Organizer: Digital Art Center, Taipei