Digital Performing Arts Festival 2014, Taipei TAIWAN.Innovation Series 2014, National theatre of Taiwan.Hua-Shan Arts Festival 2011, Taipei TAIWAN.
Tremble . Movement .
Perception: The New Horizon of Taiwan New Media Art Exhibition, K11, HK, China DAC (Digital Art Center), Taipei TAIWAN Outstanding New Media Award 2012, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts (KDMOFA), Taipei TAIWANLEAP gallery, Berlin GERMANY
"Wave" refers to the various energies and motional disturbances in human life. With the rapid development of technology, our focus of creativity has turned toward issues of human survival, the contemporary features of life, and the break between bodily and existential experiences, which has led to a display of influences on the body in facing the interplay between the natural and the artificial, the real-existent and the virtual, as well as memory and sensory experience.
performance concept / choreography: SU Wen-Chi
installation concept / sound: CHANG Yung-Da
kinetic scene design: WU Chi-Tsung
light design: Ryoya Fudetani
costume design: ZEIGARNIQ
installation physical computing: WHYIXD
kinetic and lighting program integration: YAH Ting-Hao, WHYIXD
producer: SUN Ping
歷經兩年多的思索及技術突破,今年六月,創作團隊以《微幅─迴返於生存之初》為題,將過往未竟的實驗化為新的形式語彙,並邀請吳季璁與日本燈光設計師筆古亮也(Ryoya Fudetani)加入,聯手將作品能量匯聚與觸及到嶄新的疆界。年底,創作團隊將再度邀請觀眾踏上這場震撼的新媒體光譜旅程,各種辯證對話及形式語彙的微細轉化,都將在《WAVE.微幅》中,找到最終的歸屬。當幽微的生命跌蕩起伏,遙望未來如星空般迷離未知;世界持續呼吸,綿延不息……